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“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.” -- Marianne Williamson

Humans often face a paralyzing feeling known as fear. Fear does serve a great purpose; it constantly challenges us to grow. Once you become an observer of fear, you begin to realize the interesting ways it appears in your life. Have you ever noticed how fear creeps into the way you interact on your social media platforms? Perhaps you unconsciously post yourself at your best, but what about those “darker” days? We all have them. What happens when you allow fear to rule the way you interact and observe others on your social media feed? We often begin comparing our lives to others and allow feelings of unworthiness to trickle in.

What if I told you that you are enough? That the way your life is, is exactly the way it needs to be. That you are the creator of your own life, and you can always create any changes you want for yourself. The human mind has a remarkable tendency to show “what is lacking” in one’s life. The reality is that we all have things to work on, so rather than getting down about this - see it as motivation to thrive in your life. Then when things don’t work on as you want them to, I challenge you to celebrate your failures. Without our failures we cannot fully celebrate our triumphs! Rejoice in the symphony of your life.

To kick start the Love Yourself Foundation- we are challenging our audience to participate in our #JOMOChallenge. What is JOMO you ask? JOMO is the Joy of Missing Out, the antithesis of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). We want you to step outside of your comfort zone and spend more time with yourself and do the things that bring you joy. We want you to take a small social media detox (YES, YOU CAN DO IT!) and fill that time you would normally be scrolling, with enhancing your life experience in different ways. Our challenge is simple, watch our video that explains 6 simple steps to do our challenge.

LYF is also promoting an incredible organization with our #JOMOChallenge. We are combining efforts with the Invisible Girl Project (IGP). IGP is a 501(c)3 organization based in the United States that seeks to end the atrocity of gendercide in India. This group raises global awareness concerning the loss of female lives in India, pursues justice for the lives lost, assists Indian organizations in the rescue of and care for Indian girls, and empowers women.

Why is LYF promoting IGP? The answer is simple, some people do not have the choice of instilling joy in their lives. Innocent lives are lost due to old traditional values. By bringing awareness to gendercide issues in the world, LYF challenges all of us to take the steps to enhance our lives by thinking of ways to instill love everywhere, not just in our own inner world.

If you would like to donate money to IGP through LYF’s fundraising team page, click here.

Here you can listen to LYF’s podcast episode on the #JOMOChallenge hear us dive into the topic!


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